Thursday, 7 January 2021




Teks asal:

Definisi Operasional & Organisasi Kajian (Bab 1)#JomTulisTesis (12:47)


Bab 1, seterusnya kita pergi 1.8 iaitu definisi operasional. Okey ini agak sukar, kadang-kadang pelajar agak keliru, operasional bermakna tentang definasi tentang Kajian yang kita jalankan, bukan definasi konsep. Macam contoh pelajar ada buat makna satu persatu iaitu wacana, apa makna skrip, tekstual, animasi, cerita, rakyat, dan melayu, itu adalah salah. Bukan kita mahu definasi itu, kalau definasi tiap-tiap satu, mulalah pelajar akan rujuk kamus dewan, dia akan rujuk semua jenis kamus. Itu kita tidak mahu. Jangan! Operational adalah tentang kajian kita. Jadi biiasanya definasi operational ini minma 2 atau paling maksima tentang bagaimana kita nak jalankan kajian ini supaya, bila pembaca akan faham (ouh. Ini maksudnya). Jadi jikalau kita lihat tajuk ini, kita ambil satu untuk wacana tekstual, lagi satu kita ambil skrip animasi cerita rakyat Melayu. Kalau kita nak ambil bezakan skrip animasi, jadi satu skrip animasi yang tiada kaitan pula. Jadi satu skrip animasi apa? Jadi kita boleh teruskan. Untuk tajuk ini, mungkin ada dua. Tajuk yang lain mungkin ada tiga. kalau kita ambil tajuk daripada kejuruteraan tu contohnya, mungkin di dalam operational itu ada banyak sebab dia ada kadar pemboleh ubah yang banyak di dalam itu. Kalau daripada tesis sain begitu juga. Ada banyak pemboleh ubah yang membolehkan kita membuat definasi operational supaya pemeriksa faham apa kaitan tajuk itu dengan tesis tersebut. Kalau kita tengok tesis dari segi bentuk ekonomi juga begitu. Kita ada banyak pemboleh ubah, mungkin lebih dari tiga. Jadi yang ini, kita fokus pada, contohnya kita letak “wacana tekstual”.

Namun, wacana tekstual yang awak nak kaji mesti berkaitan dengan kajian dan pastikan bahawa bukanlah yang ini mesti ambik dari rujukan (perlu ada rujukan). Ada satu cara, satu ambik “wacana tekstual”, berkaitan dengan kajian awak yang berfokus pada skrip animasi. Wacana tekstual ini akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan 3 elemen, contohnya, kandungan, konteks dan andaian. Jadi menurut Normaliza Abd Rahim 2019, wacana tekstual apa dia? Apa dia? Bolehlah ada rujukan. Seterusnya juga 1.8.2 Skrip Animasi Cerita Rakyat Melayu, jadi ini perlulah kaitan dengan kajian awak, jadi huraikan apa dia secara ringkas. Skrip Animasi Cerita Rakyat Melayu terdiri daripada 20 cerita, sebab awak punya dalam analisis tesis ada 20 cerita. Skrip animasi ini berbentu? Apa dia? Jadi huraian. Mungkin yang ini skrip animasi cerita rakyat melayu ini awak huraikan ialah berkaitan dengan berkaitan dengan kajian kita. Namun tiada pula rujukan, tidak mengapa. Jadi ada 2 cara. Ada rujukan dan tiada rujukan. Jadi yang kedua tiada rujukan, tapi awak buat huraian tentang wacana tekstual itu dari segi konteks awak punya tesis, jadi tiada rujukan. Kedua-dua cara itu boleh diterima, namun seperti yang saya katakan sebelum ini mesti rujuk penyelia terlebih dahulu. Jika penyelia kata mahu rujukan, mesti letak rujukan. Jika penyelia kata, saya percaya dan saya faham ini sebenarnya tidak perlu rujukan kerana ia berkaitan dengan kajian awak, bukan kajian orang lain (juga boleh diterima). Macam saya katakana sebelum ini, kita ini berbeza pendapat, berebeza sekolah, jadi pemikiran kita juga berbeza. Jadi pemikiran penyelia, kalua kita ada sejuta penyelia, sejuta juga pendapat dari penyelia. Jadi terpulanglah kepada penyelia. Jadi kalau macam saya, saya kata tidak perlu sebab bagi saya definisi operasional tentang kajian bagaimana awak nak jalankan kajian. Namapun operasional, jalankan kajian, bukan definisi konsep, jadi jika ada rujukan pastikan kalau nak buat rujukan, tak boleh rujuk kamus (tidak perlu), mesti rujuk daripada kajian-kajian, bukannya rujuk kamus. Jangan kata “Menurut kamus dewan edisi keempat, wacana tekstual ialah…, tidak boleh. Jadi mesti rujuk rujukan, kajian-kajian daripada orang lain. Macam saya katakana tadi, satu boleh rujuk rujukan, dan dua tidak ada rujukan juga boleh. Terpulang kepada penyelia masing-masing. Jadi jikalau diterima itu, mestilah akur sahaja.

Jadi sekarang ini jika kita lihat, setelah selesai definisi operasional, kita teruskan 1.9 iaitu, Organisasi kajian. Organisasi kajian ini sebenarnya terpulang kepada individu iaitu kepada pelajar dan juga penyelia. Yang ini biasanya, saya akan suruh pelajar PHD, saya akan suruh letak organisasi kajian, kadang-kadang pelajar master juga bileh, namun jika mereka tidak letak juga tiada masalah. Yang ini boleh pilih, jika perlu sahaja. Organisasi kajian buat dalam bentuk perenggan, jadi perenggan pertama ialah apa ada dalam bab 1, kemudian perenggan seterusnya ada apa dalam bab 2 dan seterusnya perenggan 3, apa ada dalam bab 3, mengikut organisasi kita, kita buat secara ringkas supaya bila penyelia baca, mengikut susunan perenggan dan mengetahui isi kandungan setiap bab. Penyusunan tesis kita secara teratur, jadi setiap perenggan itu dalam ringkasan sahaja kerana seperti yang saya katakan sebelum ini, tiap-tiap bab kita ada pengenalan. Pengenalan itu sudah kita katakan apa yang terkandung dalam bab tersebut. Tetapi dalam organisasi kajian ini kita mesti nyatakan secara ringkas apa ada dalam tiap-tiap perenggan. Jadi untuk pelajar PHD, saya akan wajibkan supaya dia sendiri boleh faham, apa ada dalam tiap-tiap bab dan juga kalau pelajar master, bolehlah jika mereka mahu buat atau tidak buat, pelajar bachelor juga tidak mengapa dan juga pelajar diploma juga tiada masalah, terpulang kepada penyelia. Seterusnya 1.0 baru masuk kepada kesimpulan, semua bab macam saya katakan tadi mesti ada kesimpulan, harus kita simpulkanlah apa ada dalam bab tersebut.

 Jadi apa yang saya dapati tesis tiada kesimpulan, jadi tergantung sahaja begini. Jadi apabila tergantung begini, tiba-tiba kita tengok sudah masuk bab 2, jadi tidak ada kesinambungan bab 1 dan juga bab 2, macam bab 1 itu ada satu bab lain, seperti menjadi antiti lain pula, jadi tiada kaitan lansung dengan bab 2 (tidak boleh), kita mesti ada kesimpulan. Kesimpulan ini kita simpulkan apa ada dalam bab 1 dan juga mesti ingat ayat akhir, kita mesti letak kaitkan dengan bab seterusnya. Bab seterusnya iaitu bab 2 akan membincangkan sorotan kajian…. Jadi bolehlah kita dapati bahawa ada kesinambungan antara bab 1 dan juga bab 2, jadi sama juga dengan saya terangkan dalam bab-bab lain, dalam kesimpulan mesti ada ayat akhir, kita nyatakan apa ada dalam bab seterusnya. Jadi pentingnya ada kesimpulan. Namun itulah, seperti yang saya katakana tadi, mungkin ada penyelia “tak perlulah nak simpulkan”, mungkin itu pemikiran beliau, pemikiran kita ini berbeza macam saya katakan tadi. Lupa saya katakan, halaman berapa? (halaman berapa ya prof?). bab 1 ini biasanya lebih kurang 8-10 halaman sahaja. Ini yang saya katakana tadi, bahaya jika ada sesetengah pelajar buat sampai 30 halaman (ini adalah salah). Nak tahu kenapa sampai 30? Masalah kajian itu sahaja sudah 15 halaman. Apabilah masalah kajian ada 30 halaman, dia akan menjadi macam seolah-olah dia buat sorotan kajian (itu sudah salah). Sebab masalah kajian ini kita ambil hanya yang betul-betul penting, masukkan dalam itu. Sedangkan kita tahu bahawa dalam bab 2 memang banyak ada jurang dekat situ, jadi itu juga menjadi masalah, jadi kita ambil yang penting sahaja. Jadi apabila kita letak masalah kajian itu ada 30, bermakna akan menjadi banyak halaman (sudah menjadi kesalahan). Sebab yang penting sekarang ini adalah, akan menjadi sama dengan bab 2. Macam saya katakan tadi, permasalahan kajian itu kita fokuskan ikut objektif, objektif ada 2, maka 2 perenggan jugalah masalah kajian. Jika objektif ada 3, maka 3 perenggan, namun mestilah padat, walaupun ringkas tetapi padat. Dikaitkan juga dengan objektif, tapi yang selebihnya sorotan-sorotan ataupun jurang penyelidikan lain mempunyai masalah ada dalam bab 2, jadi pelaj boleh rujuk daripada situ, jadi kita buat 8-10 halaman sahaja, namun jangan kurang dari 8, jadi seperti kurang halaman, jika mahu lebih sampai 15 halaman juga boleh diterima, sebab mungkin dia bersemangat untuk tulis latar belakang (tiada masalah). Tapi jangan lebih sampai 15 halaman, kita takut akan jadi seperti sebulat-bulat bab 2, jadi jika saya pemeriksa itu, saya akan lipat halaman tesisi ini dan saya tulis “ini mesti masuk bab 2”.



Teks terjemahan:

Operational Definition & Study Organization (Chapter 1) #JomTulisTesis (12:47)


Chapter 1, next we go 1.8 which is the operational definition. Okay this is a bit difficult, sometimes students are a bit confused, operational means about the definition of the Study we are conducting, not the definition of a concept. Various examples have students create meaning one at that passage, what is the meaning of the script, textual, animation, stories, people, and wilt, it is wrong. We do not want that definition, if the definition of each one, first the student will refer to the hall dictionary, he will refer to all types of dictionaries. That we do not want. Don't! Operational is about our study. So usually this operational definition is at least 2 or at most about how we want to conduct this study so that, when the reader will understand (ouh! This means). So if we look at this topic, we take one of the textual discourse, we take another one animation script Malay folklore. If we want to differentiate between animated scripts, then it is an animated script that has nothing to do. So what is an animated script? So we can move on. For this title, there may be two. Other titles may have three. if we take the title from the engineering for example, maybe in the operational there are many reasons he has a large variable rate in it. If from a science thesis so too. There are many variables that allow us to make operational definitions so that the examiner understands what the title has to do with the thesis. If we look at the thesis in terms of economic form, so is it. We have many variables, maybe more than three. So this one, we focus on, for example we place "textual discourse".

However, the textual discourse you want to study must be relevant to the study and make sure that this is not the one that must be taken from the reference (there must be a reference). There is a way, an ambiguous "textual discourse", related to your study that focuses on animated scripts. This textual discourse will be analysed using 3 elements, for example, content, context and assumptions. So according to Normaliza Abd Rahim 2019, what textual discourse is he? What is it? There may be a reference. 1.8.2 There are also scripts Animations Folklore Festival, so this should be linked to the study of the body, so he briefly describes what. Script Animation Folklore Festival consists of 20 stories, because you have in the analysis of the thesis there are 20 stories. Is this animated script shaped? What is it? So the description. Perhaps this script Malay folklore this animation you describe is related to related to our study. But there is no reference, it does not matter. So there are 2 ways. There are references and no references. So the second one has no reference, but you make a description of the textual discourse in terms of the context you have a thesis, so there is no reference. Both methods are acceptable, but as I said before, you must consult your supervisor first. If the word supervisor wants a reference, he must place a reference. If the supervisor says, I believe and I understand this actually does not need a reference because it is related to your study, not someone else’s study (also acceptable). Like I said before, we have different opinions, different schools, so our thoughts are also different. So the thought of the supervisor, if we have a million supervisors, a million also opinions from the supervisor. So it is up to the supervisor. So if you are like me, I say there is no need for me to have an operational definition of the study of how you want to conduct the study. However operational, conduct a study, not a definition of the concept, so if there is a reference make sure if you want to make a reference, cannot refer to the dictionary (not necessary), must refer from the studies, not refer to the dictionary. Do not say “According to the fourth edition of the hall dictionary, textual discourse is…, cannot. So must refer to references, studies from others. Like I said earlier, one can refer to a reference, and two no reference can also. It is up to the respective supervisor. So if it is accepted, it must be compliant.

So now if we look, after completing the operational definition, we proceed to 1.9 that is, the organization of the study. The organization of this study is actually up to the individual, namely the students and also the supervisor. This is usually, I will ask PHD students, I will ask the placement of the study organization, sometimes the master students can do it, but if they do not put it, there is no problem. This one can be selected, if necessary only. The organization of the study is in the form of a paragraph, so the first paragraph is what is in chapter 1, then the next paragraph is what is in chapter 2 and then paragraph 3, what is in chapter 3, according to our organization, we do briefly so that when the supervisor reads, according paragraph order and know the contents of each chapter. Organizing our thesis regularly, so each paragraph is in summary only because as I said before, each of our chapters has an introduction. That introduction we have already said what is contained in the chapter. But in the organization of this study we must state briefly what is in each paragraph. So for PHD students, I will make sure that he himself can understand, what is in each chapter and also if he is a master student, maybe if they want to do or not do, bachelor students are also okay and even diploma students are no problem, it depends to the supervisor. To the next 1.0 just came to the conclusion, all chapters like I said earlier must have a conclusion, we must conclude what is in the chapter.

So what I found the thesis was no conclusion, so it just hung like this. So when it hangs like this, we suddenly see that chapter 2 has entered, so there is no continuation of chapter 1 and also chapter 2, like chapter 1 there is another chapter, like being another entity, so it has nothing to do with chapter 2 (no can), we must have a conclusion. In this conclusion we conclude what is in chapter 1 and also must remember the last sentence, we must put a link with the next chapter. The next chapter which is chapter 2 will discuss the highlights of the study…. So we can find that there is a continuation between chapter 1 and also chapter 2, so just as I explained in other chapters, in conclusion there must be a final sentence, we state what is in the next chapter. So it is important to have a conclusion. But that is, as I said earlier, there may be a supervisor "there is no need to conclude", maybe that is his thinking, our thinking is different like I said earlier. I forgot to say, how many pages? (How many pages, prof?). this chapter 1 is usually about 8-10 pages only. This is what I said earlier, the danger if some students make up to 30 pages (this is wrong). Want to know why up to 30? The problem of the study alone is already 15 pages. When the problem of the study has 30 pages, he will be as if he is the highlight of the study (that is already wrong). Because the problem of this study we take only the really important, include in it. While we know that in chapter 2 there are many gaps near there, so that is also a problem, so we take only the important. So when we put the problem of the study there are 30, it means there will be a lot of pages (already a mistake). The important reason now is, it will be the same as chapter 2. As I said earlier, we focus on the problem of the study according to the objective, the objective is 2, then 2 paragraphs are also the problem of the study. If the objective is 3, then 3 paragraphs, but must be concise, albeit simple but concise. It is also associated with objectives, but the rest of the highlights or other research gaps have problems in chapter 2, so students can refer from there, so we make 8-10 pages only, but not less than 8, so like less pages, if want more than 15 pages is also acceptable, because maybe he is eager to write the background (no problem). But not more than 15 pages, we are afraid it will be like a whole chapter 2, so if I check it, I will fold this thesis page and I write "this must enter chapter 2".


    Normaliza Abd Rahim. (2019).  Jom Tulis Tesis. Serdang: Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia.

Youtube Channel Prof. Dr Normaliza -


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